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31 May 2021 - 1 June 2021
Security Mission Information & Innovation Group (SMI2G) Event

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Security Mission Information & Innovation Group (SMI2G) Event

The traditional two-days event organised by SEREN4, EARTO Security & Defence research Working Group, EOS, IMGS, ECSO and ENLETS, will take place online!

As a tradition this event will focus on security issues within the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, thus, within Horizon Europe! The event will be structured around several interesting keynote speeches, panel discussions and a brokerage event, all related to the first calls of the "Civil Security for Society" cluster!

What to know?

The SMI2G event 2021 will take place online because of the worldwide situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and, therefore, several novelties are foreseen. There won't be the usual pitch sessions like the ones organised during the physical events. Participants had the opportunity to send their pitch presentations. These have already been collected and categorized per call and published HERE

All participants can now book their bilateral meetings with the owners of the pitch presentations most interesting to them or, otherwise, book their bilateral meetings as always, contacting people and organisations with the skills and competences they are looking for.

Cluster 3 call topics were put into the B2Match system (for bilateral meetings' appointment phase).They were taken from draft Cluster 3 Work Programme. You can use the draft Work Programme as a reference doc (please, remind that this is only a draft version, not even a pre-publication and things might change until the official publication and launch of the calls) of the work programme available on this page index.cfm (europa.eu)

Whole registration will be managed here, on the B2Match website and will imply:

  • registration to follow the panel sessions and the keynote speeches,
  • registration to the brokerage event,
  • registration to follow on or more of the success-stories sessions.

Technical aspects:

  • Different sessions will be hosted on Webex (up to 1000 participants - registration will be on a first come first serve basis) and only people that have registered will recieve the link to access. Sessions will be recorded and the recording will be available after the event.
  • Bilateral meetings will be hosted on B2Match (NOT ON WEBEX) and participants registered will recieve the link. 

  • How it works? Please visit and carefully read how it works and deadlines for most important information.

    Main topics

  • Better protect the EU and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism
  • Effective management of EU external borders
  • Resilient Infrastructure
  • Increased Cybersecurity
  • Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe
  • Strengthened Security Research and Innovation

Why participate?

  • Networking possibilities
  • Consortiium building for new projects
  • Information about several interesting initiatives and developments in the European security domain

Closed since 19 May 2021
Organised by
Participants 562
Meetings 648
Spain 79
Germany 64
Italy 62
Greece 56
Belgium 53
France 48
Türkiye 41
Finland 41
United Kingdom 37
Slovakia 23
Poland 23
Israel 18
Czech Republic 18
Ireland 16
Austria 15
Portugal 15
Norway 13
Netherlands 12
Cyprus 11
Estonia 9
Romania 9
Luxembourg 8
Switzerland 8
Denmark 6
Sweden 6
Croatia 4
Lithuania 3
Bulgaria 2
Latvia 2
Ukraine 2
Iceland 1
Albania 1
Lebanon 1
Total 707
Company 278
R&D Institution 151
University 126
Authority/Government 73
Association/Agency 44
Other 35
Total 707
Profile views
Before event 15289
After event 1642
Total 16931